Less than 3% of Carillion’s trade creditors insured themselves!

As many of our readers will know, the construction and outsourcing services provider Carillion collapsed two weeks after the start of 2018 weighed down by the massive £2.2 billion debt and pension liabilities, which became the largest corporate bankruptcy in the UK in a decade. As it turned out, the vast majority of UK suppliers[…]


Working capital solutions – new service LiquidityCo.com

We are pleased to offer our select clients a solution allowing them to convert invoices from their creditworthy clients into cash on a flexible and low-cost basis and without any risk of recourse to them. LiquidityCo is your key to working capital as it’s a cost-effective mechanism of risk-free financing your short-term cashflow gaps by[…]

No-obligation free quotes for insurance against political and credit risks

Free quotes for your credit or political risk insurance requirements

We are happy to say that we don’t charge our clients for finding them an insurance solution. So if you are working on a transaction or with a portfolio which exposes your organisation to potential losses from credit or political risk events, please get in touch. We are happy to offer our customers a free[…]